
Light Integrator
Catalog: Derivative (Applicable) Products


Light Integrator, also known as Light Pipes or waveguide which can be used as homogenizers in illumination systems for microscopes, inspection systems and video metrology systems. 

- Typical specificationAverage reflectivity >98% for AOI=70deg for 420~680nm
- Long-hour heat resistance under mechanical stress >250deg C
- Dielectric multi-layer coating for enhanced durability under high thermal stress
– Environmental resistance and durability on thermal stress, humidity, salt spray, peeling, hardness, etc.
– Patented mirror wall edge structure for higher reliability.
– Production capacity: >30kpcs/month 

OBO is a renowned manufacturer of Light Integrators offering a wide assortment of materials and diverse shapes including: rectangular, square, hexagonal and tapered. Glass light pipes from OBO are specially designed dielectric multi-layer coating for enhanced durability under high thermal stress with patented mirror wall edge structure for higher reliability.

* Please contact Orange Bright Optic for further information on Light Integrator capabilities to discuss your current requirements, or to request a quote.