
Astronomy Filters
Catalog: Derivative (Applicable) Products


An astronomical filter is an accessory used by astronomers to simply enhance the details of an object they are observing. OBO’s own coating design guarantees better contrast with brighter image. 

This picture is taken by OBO’s Dark-Sky E1 multi-band filter, showing clearly scattered stars (also the cloud) with true color representation likes no other.

We manufacture the best reliability performance astronomy filters with the Ion-assisted, Super High Density,  Multi-layer Thin Film Coating Technology and the through time

H-alpha / OIII/ SII filters are also available with higher transmission by OBO’s skilful technologies

Custom design is also available

•OBO provides:

1.The Dark-Sky series filters for the astronomy enthusiasts

2.Our proprietary coating design guarantees better contrast with brighter image 

3.H-alpha / OIII/ SII filters are also available with higher transmission by our competent  technologies

* Please contact Orange Bright Optic for further information on Astronomy Filters coating capabilities to discuss your current requirements, or to request a quote.